Mark Rein, vice president of Epic Games, recently made a brief post on the Gears of
War message boards outlining the next title update for the game. Included will be fixes for a number of glitches, 720p support for VGA users running at 1280x1024, and a brand new multiplayer gametype called "Annex". Speculation and hopes flooded the board, until CliffyB (Cliff Bleszinski, also of Epic Games) stepped in and posted a (very) short reply:

Update: Microsoft apparently put up details at this URL, but yanked them back down, saying that the date was wrong. However, the info outlining gameplay for Annex was correct. Basically, it'll be a King of the Hill scenario. Read the whole shebang here.
Updated Update: The details at the above URL are back up, and the update itself was released on Monday, April 9th at 4PM PDT.

"That was the thing that bothered me with some of the early European reaction to Gears, that it wasn't being innovative enough. There's no mandate in the games industry that we have to make games that are totally innovative--the mandate is to make games that are fun."Yes, games must evolve. The way we play games and how games are presented to us will never cease to change. But I would much rather publishers sold games that I enjoyed over games that I thought looked cool. Currently the game that I play the most is a mod for a game released in 2002. No, it's not as pretty as S.T.A.L.K.E.R., but it's fun, and that's what brings me back. So Epic gets the nod for realizing that a balance must be struck "between evolution and revolution," as they put it."I'm sure everyone has heard of games where people say, oh, it's very innovative, but it's not fun to play. Well, that's death, even if it is innovative. It's about finding that sweet spot between evolution and revolution."
- Glock
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