Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Letters from the Editors


Welcome to Gamer Bait. If you're here, I imagine that you're at the very least curious as to what this blog is about. Gamer Bait is the culmination of hours of musing and discussion between two everyday gamers, and a desire to share those musings with others. You'll know us by our callsigns, screen names, handles...whatever you care to call them: headstronGLOCK23 and nubulicious---I'm Glock. At the very least, we're gamers like you. At best we hope to be writers that you can count on when you want to read something dealing directly with your interests. So if you fancy yourself a gamer of any degree, bookmark us, maybe subscribe to our RSS feed, and settle in.

We plan on the scope of GB to be fairly broad, while remaining true to those things that interest the average gamer. We'd like to think that we can directly relate to a more mainstream community than some writers seem to be writing to these days. We're a couple of guys with regular lives, regular friends, and regular budgets.

Just like you.

We intend for GB to offer reviews of products of interest to us and you, how-to guides, opinions on current events, possibly some fiction, some humor, and anything else we can think of. Feel free to send us suggestions on what you'd like to see, and we'll take it into consideration. You can email us with ideas, praise, or criticism at gamerbait@gmail.com. We're already working on a few articles for you, so tell your friends about us, and check back often!

- Glock

Hey you:

What he said.

- nubulicious


nubulicious said...

Looking good!

Anonymous said...

looks like the start of something good.